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where Indian System is lacking in Education compared to Western style

You may think that I'm going out of the topic but at the end you will realize that i am in a proper track.
how to become a master at anything (that you had given up thinking that it might not be possible)
how some people are good at something and some are not.Why is it so?
Is it predtermined that everyone fate has been determined before they born?
I think it is not .
The three things that are needed to excel at one thing is
(1)It's all about passion.

(2) first before started doing anything ,you should know it's application .Then only you will get some attraction towards it.
3)last but not least .
practice makes a man perfect
there is no pains,no gains
Once you realize this you can achieve anything you want.
Always remember this thing
"If you are getting anything without an hardwork ,you won't get an permanent satisfaction (means you will act in front of others that you are apt for that but there always an innerwaves arises within you).
So try hard with some passion you will get anything you want so everything is possible
apply input (hardwork with passion)=>process(trim im from (impossible))=>will give the output possible.
So I conclude by saying that our education system is lacking in three essential things
they are
(1)application(where it is applied and how it is applied and why is it applied.Most needed but it is not provided)
(2)exposure about the things
(3)visualization(the most needed thing for all)


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