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Everything in the world is connected

This is another article of mine.
Brief defn about this post
"It is there but it is not there.For some people it is there and for others it is not there.But it is there whether they accept it or not."
In order to understand this I will give you an simple example.

From this figure we can see the connection with the circle and the point p explicitly.

Now we may think that point p has no connection with the circle if we look at a rapid manner.We may not able to realize the connection quickly.But when we take a time and looked deeply we can see it .

That is both lie in a plane .That is they are connected through a plane.In this case this can be understood by a mathematician or those who study mathematics .
Web Technology
Suppose you are opening a web page that look like this.

But the same thing when we hide with the display property .

Only those who take the measures towards that can see the thing .in this case by a webdeveloper or those who study webtechnology.
If you still didn’t realize this I will tell you with an another example from a movie called Adhiparasakthi.
Specifically one scene in which surlirajan(illiterate ).For that Nambiyar will say you should have self determination (vairakiyam) in order to see the God.Also he explain this to surulirajan with an example.So surulirajan will try as Nambiyar said.Abirahmi appeared in front of him.Since surulirajan didn’t see the Abirahmi previously he will tell to Abirahmi that she should wait there in order to get a confirmation from his guru Nambiyar .Nambiyar will come but he can’t see the God and he won’t accept his speech.Here surulirajan taken a measure towards that so he got succeeded.
Similarly there is a connection with the sequence of events that is happening in our life.some are explicit and some are implicit.In order to understood the implicit connection we should take a measure towards that.So I conclude this by saying that everything is connected.
As I said previously God is a great cryptographer ,In order to find a pattern from that we should take a measures towards that by spiritually ,mentally and physically then only we can decrypt the meaning of our birth.Hope you understood this.


3 Respones to "Everything in the world is connected"

Nrupen The King said...

I was quite amazed to see the title so as to read an explnation but quite disappointed to end. Every thing you explained just appear hypothetical logic but seems practicle but how sick of you to end with an explanation to existance of God. Of course i do believe everything in world is connected logically, hypothetically, directly or indirectly but that has nothing to do with God. As a hint i advise you never end any scientific explanation to God or religion that appears cheap and creates a doubt on how much you really believe in what you are explaining, if you are the person who belives in science just don't make yourself look cheap.

October 18, 2010 at 8:31 PM
Rajan said...

Mr.Nrupen you have misunderstood my intention. I am always supporting that god exists everywhere.He is always there to leads all of us.That is always my intention

October 19, 2010 at 2:45 PM
Nrupen The King said...

Hi Rajan, please don't take any of comments otherwise. And sorry if that hurt you.

October 20, 2010 at 9:25 AM

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