Are you paranoid about someone snooping on your google searches?? Well worry no more, google has started an encrypted version of its search (available only for the google search, nor maps and all).
Any small thing looked at a greater depth have excellent structure or pattern behind them
Is Mathematics really Hard?(specially for those who hate it).I have expressed my views regarding mathematics.How Mathematics is associated with all walks of human life.
Everything in the world is connected.This is another nice article related to div tag.
"We know that God exists because mathematics is consistent and we know that the devil exists because we cannot prove the consist"
A Blog for those who want to achieve something in their life
1 Respones to "Ensure that you are safe by using https technology"
If you think https means safe, then you are wrong, CA certificates aren't that strong to protect your privacy any more. Researchers are out on work to find an alternative to it just because it's not safe now. By the way no new additions are seen by you on CE "Post Link To Your Latest Blog" thread, though you are updating quite frequently.
October 30, 2010 at 4:00 PM
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