Virtual Helper

Any small thing looked at a greater depth have excellent structure or pattern behind them

My parallelogram law of forces

Philosophy of Mathematics

Is Mathematics really Hard?(specially for those who hate it).I have expressed my views regarding mathematics.How Mathematics is associated with all walks of human life.

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Web technology

Everything in the world is connected.This is another nice article related to div tag.

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Another webtechnology post

Funny illustration of webtechnology related concept.How web technology various branches associated with the human life

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Free Educational Video

Treasure Resources

All open resources Educational resources under one shell for all subjects .Don't forgot to bookmark this.

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My another small post about my point of view on Mathematics

How I view theorems on Mathematics.
Consider a sculptor who is building a statue ,you didn't know where did he start and how did he proceed step by step and suddenly it will come into a full fledged shape that will kindle a suprise shock inside your mind when did he finish and how did he got that shape.
For me ,theorems are just like that where theorem is the statue and sculptor is the mathematician.
Mathematics and oops
Object-oriented programming is considered as as the dominant programming methodology for years.But how I consider it as follows.
"Generally if you ask any csc fellow about classes and objects,what he will say as follows.
classes are the templates from which objects are derived and each object is different from another one and also they will give a classic example such as car in order to explain oops concept.They will say that oops is an programming abstraction like in a car if you want to stop a car ,you will just put a brake for that you don't need to know what is going on the backend.
Theorems are seen by people just like that .But in order to understand the elegant structure of it ,you have to dive into the theorem in more depth then only you will realize that it is like a fractal which can't be realized until you go deep inside.
I will conclude by saying that for me class is like an graph say eqn
x2 + 2x+8=0
where objects are nothing but an value at a point ,for each no you will get an distinct graph at that point.
Also as I said Programming(specifically ooops) is an abstraction where the user just calling the method without awaring of backend process where excellent mathematical structure is going on.
And one more excellent point which I want to mention is that
how programming and theorem are organised
But before that it is good to metion what is meant by a theorem from wikipedia for you
"In mathematics, a theorem is a statement that has been proven on the basis of previously established statements, such as other theorems, and previously accepted statements, such as axioms. The derivation of a theorem is often interpreted as a proof of the truth of the resulting expression, but different deductive systems can yield other interpretations, depending on the meanings of the derivation rules. Theorems have two components, called the hypotheses and the conclusions. The proof of a mathematical theorem is a logical argument demonstrating that the conclusions are a necessary consequence of the hypotheses, in the sense that if the hypotheses are true then the conclusions must also be true, without any further assumptions. The concept of a theorem is therefore fundamentally deductive, in contrast to the notion of a scientific theory, which is empirical."
so in order to prove a new theorem you can use previously accepted theorems or definitions .Mathematics is constructed like that.
In a similar fashion in programming ,the programmer use a concept something called code reusability what is meant by that ,in order to achieve a specific goal they will use a previously constructed modules from some other programs which may help to achieve their goal.
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The next thing which I thought to be interesting to tell about water is, THE BONDING OF WATER MOLECULES.

To understand the causes of the unusual properties of water, a basic understanding of chemical bonding and the structure of the water molecule is necessary. The ability of elements (basic building blocks of all matter at the atomic level) to combine and form compounds, depends on the ability of their atoms to give up or acquire electrons (negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit the nucleus of the atom). Elements that tend to give up electrons become positively charged ions (cations); and elements that tend to acquire electrons become negatively charged ions (anions).

The power of an element to combine with other elements to form compounds is termed the valence of the element. Valence is a positive or negative whole number (based on the number of electrons gained or lost), and for inorganic compounds, the algebraic sum of the valence numbers of the combining elements is zero. For example, sodium readily gives up one of its electrons to become a cation with a valence of +1, and chloride tends to attract one electron to form an anion with a valence of –1. The oppositely charged ions attract forming a molecule of sodium chloride [(+1) + (-1) = 0]. The electrostatic attraction of oppositely charged ions to form a compound is termed ionic bonding. Both of the elements that combine to make water, hydrogen and oxygen, exist separately in molecules containing two atoms each (H2 and O2). The two atoms are held together by sharing an electron pair in a chemical bond termed a covalent bond. Covalent bonds are much stronger than the ionic bond. The two atoms held together by the covalent bond make a molecule that is much more stable than the individual atoms. The chemical bonds in the water molecule are covalent bonds since the hydrogen atoms combine with the oxygen atom in shared electron pairs. It is the unique distribution of the electrons in the resulting chemical bond that causes the hydrogen atoms to bond with the oxygen atom at a bond angle of 104.5o.

The oxygen atom exerts a relatively strong pull on the shared electron pair causing the hydrogen atoms to become electropositive regions and the oxygen atom to become an electronegative region. Because the positive and negative regions are not evenly distributed around a center point, the water molecule is termed a polar molecule. The polar nature of the water molecule causes it to become electrostatically attractive to other water molecules as well as other ions in solution and contact surfaces with electrostatic sites. The electropositive hydrogen atoms on the water molecule will be attracted to the electronegative oxygen atoms of adjacent water molecules. This “bridging” phenomenon is called hydrogen bonding. Hydrogen bonding is only about 10 percent of the strength of the covalent bond, but it is responsible for most of the unusual properties of water (high freezing and boiling points, high heat capacity, high heats of fusion and evaporation, solvency, and high surface tension).

Hydrogen bonding is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the water molecule during chemical reactions. While other compounds undergo chemical changes (ionization), the water itself will maintain its chemical integrity. In pure water, a relatively small number of molecules will ionize into hydrogen and hydroxyl ions. Thus, pure water is a relatively poor conductor of electrical current. The specific resistance of theoretically pure water is 18.3 megohm-cm, while most potable water supplies have a resistivity of less than 10,000 ohm-cm. Therefore, the purity of water can be readily measured with a conductivity or resistivity meter.

Hydrogen bonding is the reason for the lower density of ice relative to water. At freezing, the water molecules arrange themselves along the directional lines of the hydrogen bonds causing water to expand and become less dense. For this reason, ice floats on water. Increased pressure lowers the melting point of water. The pressure applied to ice by the blade of an ice skate melts the ice providing a layer of water for the ice skater to gracefully glide along the ice. Even at extremely cold temperatures, high pressure will weaken the crystal lattice; this is the reason that huge ice masses such as glaciers will gradually flow. The polar nature of the water molecule causes the molecule to align in an electric or magnetic field. The electronegative oxygen atom aligns toward the positive pole, and the electropositive hydrogen atoms align toward the negative pole.

Water has an exceptionally large dipole moment (1.87 x 10-18 e.s.u.) relative to most other inorganic compounds. Dipole moment is the product of the distance between the charges multiplied by the magnitude of the charge in electrostatic units (e.s.u.).

LETS HAVE SOME WATER NOW...................
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peoples who discovered the real meaning of life

India's Best Student: Dr. Manmohan Singh

The Prime Minister stood first in class throughout his academic life.

India's best students who became CEOs

Narayana Murthy got through IIT but his father couldn’t afford the fees.
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Helping Hands are Better than Praying Lips

Actually I received this in email from my friend
Help For-Ever... Very Necessary Content....
1) If you see children Begging anywhere in TAMIL NADU, please contact: "RED SOCIETY" at 9940217816.
They will help the children for their studies.

2) Where you can search for any BLOOD GROUP, you will get thousand's of donor address.

3) Engineering Students can register in to attend Off Campus for 40 Companies.

4) Free Education and Free hostel for Handicapped/Physically Challenged children. Contact:- 9842062501 & 9894067506.

5) If anyone met with fire accident or people born with problems in their ear, nose and mouth can get free PLASTIC SURGERY done by Kodaikanal PASAM Hospital. From 23rd March to 4th April by German Doctors.

Everything is free. Contact : 045420-240668, 245732

6) If you find any important documents like Driving license, Ration card, Passport, Bank Pass Book, etc., missed by someone, simply put them into any near by Post Boxes. They will automatically reach the owner and Fine will be collected from them.

7) By the next 10 months, our earth will become 4 degrees hotter than what it is now. Our Himalayan glaciers are melting at rapid rate. So let all of us lend our hands to fight GLOBAL WARMING.

-Plant more Trees.
-Don't waste Water & Electricity.
-Don't use or burn Plastics

8) It costs 38 Trillion dollars to create OXYGEN for 6 months for all Human beings on earth.

"Respect them and Save them"

9) Special phone number for Eye bank and Eye donation: 044-28281919 and 044-28271616 (Sankara Nethralaya Eye Bank). For More information about how to donate eyes plz visit these sites.

10) Heart Surgery free of cost for children (0-10 yr) Sri Valli Baba Institute Bangalore- 10. Contact : 9916737471

11) Medicine for Blood Cancer!!!!

'Imitinef Mercilet' is a medicine which cures blood cancer. Its available free of cost at "Adyar Cancer Institute in Chennai". Create Awareness. It might help someone.

Cancer Institute in Adyar, Chennai

Category: Cancer
East Canal Bank Road, Gandhi Nagar,
Adyar, Chennai -600020
Landmark: Near Michael School
Phone: 044-24910754 044-24910754 ,
044-24911526 044-24911526 ,
044-22350241 044-22350241


If you have a function/party at your home in India and food gets wasted, don't hesitate to call 1098 (only in India ) - Its not a Joke, This is the number of Child helpline.

They will come and collect the food. Please circulate this message which can help feed many children.

"Helping Hands are Better than Praying Lips"

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The Unsung Hero - Water

What is WATER? Whats make so special with it? How is it produced/created/ synthesized? How it gives energy? what makes it important to create life in a planet? Is water an Alienated thing? What is Unique in Water...................To find out see my future post. Some unique properties of Water are as

1. Only Substance that occurs naturally as Solid, Liquid and Gas.
2. Universial Solvent.
3. High Transparency.
4. Highest Surface Tension except Mercury.
5. Only Liquid that expands on Cooling.
6. Greatest Thermal Conductivity.

To Kindle your Interest in knowing about water. I am asking a Simple question. Is water a Conductor?

If your answer is YES, then you are Wrong. Pure water is not a conductor. This can be clearly explained by the Electron theory.

The Basic principle in Conduction of electron is the atom should have a free Electron in its outer most shell that is Valence Shell should Posses a valence electron (Recall Your 12 th Physics)to pass on the current. If a material have this free electron is called as conductor. But In the Case of Water. The water is composed of 2 Atoms of hydrogen and 1 Atom Oxygen. The Oxygen Has 2 free electron its valence shell and each hydrogen has 1 electron in the one and only present shell. So the bonding between the one electron from each hydrogen is paired with the 2 electron of oxygen. Finally there is no free electron in the water molecule to conduct the current. Ultimately PURE WATER is not a good Conductor of Electricity.

But what makes the drinking water to conduct current? The answer for this simple as the drinking water contains not only oxygen and hydrogen but its also has minerals as Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Phosphate, Iodine, Fluorine, Nitrogen. The minerals present in it and other salts conducts the current.
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This post may be old but the content is evergreen

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Helpful for final year students

This is the register link for MCA students (fresher). They have to register in
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