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The Unsung Hero - Water

What is WATER? Whats make so special with it? How is it produced/created/ synthesized? How it gives energy? what makes it important to create life in a planet? Is water an Alienated thing? What is Unique in Water...................To find out see my future post. Some unique properties of Water are as

1. Only Substance that occurs naturally as Solid, Liquid and Gas.
2. Universial Solvent.
3. High Transparency.
4. Highest Surface Tension except Mercury.
5. Only Liquid that expands on Cooling.
6. Greatest Thermal Conductivity.

To Kindle your Interest in knowing about water. I am asking a Simple question. Is water a Conductor?

If your answer is YES, then you are Wrong. Pure water is not a conductor. This can be clearly explained by the Electron theory.

The Basic principle in Conduction of electron is the atom should have a free Electron in its outer most shell that is Valence Shell should Posses a valence electron (Recall Your 12 th Physics)to pass on the current. If a material have this free electron is called as conductor. But In the Case of Water. The water is composed of 2 Atoms of hydrogen and 1 Atom Oxygen. The Oxygen Has 2 free electron its valence shell and each hydrogen has 1 electron in the one and only present shell. So the bonding between the one electron from each hydrogen is paired with the 2 electron of oxygen. Finally there is no free electron in the water molecule to conduct the current. Ultimately PURE WATER is not a good Conductor of Electricity.

But what makes the drinking water to conduct current? The answer for this simple as the drinking water contains not only oxygen and hydrogen but its also has minerals as Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Phosphate, Iodine, Fluorine, Nitrogen. The minerals present in it and other salts conducts the current.


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