Virtual Helper

Any small thing looked at a greater depth have excellent structure or pattern behind them

My parallelogram law of forces

Philosophy of Mathematics

Is Mathematics really Hard?(specially for those who hate it).I have expressed my views regarding mathematics.How Mathematics is associated with all walks of human life.

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Web technology

Everything in the world is connected.This is another nice article related to div tag.

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Another webtechnology post

Funny illustration of webtechnology related concept.How web technology various branches associated with the human life

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Free Educational Video

Treasure Resources

All open resources Educational resources under one shell for all subjects .Don't forgot to bookmark this.

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Best sites for enhancing your technical knowledge covering all categories

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How to create setup package for your programs

Guys everyone has done some programming in c ,c++ or java ,but have you imagined about how to create a setup package for that will installation agreement .That is all this post is about.
To do that follow the steps below:
go to the command prompt
and type
and press enter key on the keyboard.
Now one dialog box will be popped up.That is the default software available in windows to create a setup package for your own programs
follow the instructions step by step ,the main thing you have to do it ,you have to choose the .exe file and if you need the license agreement ,you can create it and you can add that to your package.
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Background things beyond copy and paste

Actually any program or software or anyother thing will use a temporary memory .Everyone knows how to copy and paste so I don't need to explain that thing so I am going to the topic without boring you.When you copy from one place ,actually
it will be copied to the intermediate memory called clipbookviewer ,just try to copy some content and open command prompt and type
and press enter key on the keyboard
and you can see the clipbookviewer ,that is the temporary memory where your contents that you copied are stored.(It is also called as clipboard )
Hope this will be an informative one
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how to block websites without any software

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Cmd trick

There are many tricks of cmd are there .Here one of the trick for you .To open any program in cmd go to command prompt window and just type start followed by space ans then program name.

c:\>start notepad
It will open notepad
c:\>start winword
It will open microsoft word
c:\>start powerpnt
It will open microsoft powerpoint
Not only these you can also able to open even websites just from the cmd
It will open google in your default browser .
same the list goes on
Have a nice Day.
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