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Activation through email in order to enter into the database (with detailed explanation for newbies)

How to proceed with this program
First of all put this program under httdocs if you are using xampp,Which is the root directory.
Main theme
There is file called members.php will be there.In order to view the contents of the data ,the user has to register into the database.As soon as Registering into the database they will get an activation code in their gmail account .If they correctly type their activation code they will be added to the database and now they are able to login and view members.php
Now step by step proceure to execute the program
Actually I know how much trouble you might have encountered when you started sending email through php.So I will solve this problem by detailed explanation.
Ok let us start with the procedure
Actually i have divided the program into modules so you will able to understood the concepts easily.
Actually if you extracted the rar in httdocs folder you will get the following files and a folder
phpgmailer folder

Now the execution steps
step 1:
first of all create the newuser in phpmyadmin and give the username and password.Check all the privelleges and check whether you have checked all the privilleges and now type that username and password into the module.php
and now you can load this file .If you have done everything correctly you will get a blank white screen.
If you got an error like access denied you might have entered the incorrect username or password.
step 2:
now you can load the creation.php .what this file will do?.
This file will just create an database named hello and table named dodo in that database .
If you done everything correctly will get the message that database and table has been created.You can also check that by viewing phpMyAdmin.
step 3:
now if you try to execute the members.php contents,you can't able to view the contents it will ask you to login.
since no members will be there in the database that has been just created by us.
In order to add the members we need to register .
So the third file that you have to execute is register.php .Now you will get a form screen and now tyoe the username and password and click Register you will get an activation code in your email right now .and now you will be redirected to haha.php
which will ask you to type your activation code that has been sent to your email and if you typed it correctly you will be added to the database .You can check that in phpMyAdmin.
Things to be noted before executing the register.php.
This is the important note .If you didn't follow this you will not get an activation code in your email.
Actually in order to send an email through php ,you need to configure your mail server.That will be taken phpmailer library which will be taken care by phpgmailer folder and hahaha.php
First before executing register.php ,open haha.php
and type your username and password from which you want to send your gmail
and then type the recepients of your gmail id .

step 4:
now you can execute the check.php and enter the username and password which you have registered just now and you can now able to view the contents of members.php


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