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Education system adopted by students-A short story

Source:from google
The Missing Cat
A small story:

Long ago, (Not so long ago) there was a Guruji who had few students. He used to take his classes under a tree. One day when he was taking class there was a Cat roaming around that area disturbing the concentration of students.

So the Guruji decided to tie that cat to a near by tree and gave it some milk to drink so that it would keep quite. The next day Guruji had to visit some other place. So he asked one of his senior students to handle that day's classes.

As per the words of Guruji, that senior student was ready to take the class. But he seemed to be disturbed and worried. His friends asked him the reasons. And he replied: " I am ready to take the class. But what to do? The cat is missing. Our Guruji used to tie the cat to that tree while he was taking the classes. So i also need to follow the same thing. But to my worry the Cat is Missing".

Most of our modern day activities are like this only. We have forgotten the soul of the concepts and simply sticking to the meaningless rituals.

In studies, the examinations are to check whether you have understood the ideas or not. But today most of us study only for the exams.

In research, the publications are outcome of solid research works. But today lots and lots of cook-up of data is happeneing around. I would not call these things research.

Even in marriage/ other religious activities you can observe few rituals being followed forgetting the cream of truth behind it.

These are nothing more than searching for the missing cat in our story.


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